Monday, August 9, 2010

Math reference

Welcome to free math tutoring,

The biographies are an excellent way to keep a subject
interesting. I discovered in college that whenever I wanted to learn
about a new subject, I should start by reading a biography of the
person who came up with it. math helper; Sometimes that would be a whole book.
Sometimes it would be an encyclopedia article. And that method may not
work for you as well as it did for me, but I would suggest that you
give it a try.

(A good biography will do two things for you: first, it will place
whatever the subject did in context, letting you know why other people
thought it was important - why it let them do something they had
previously been prevented from doing. Second, it will expose you to
what more often than not turns out to be the clearest explanation of
the relevant concept - that is, the one that the innovator used to
explain it to himself.)
more examples on online math tutoring.

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